Creating a unit by merging variables in SASS

Is there a way to merge two variables in SASS to create a single unit together? The current configuration is outlined below:

$font-size: 16;
$font-unit: px;

$base-font-size: {$font-size}{$font-unit} !default;

@if unit($base-font-size) != 'px' { @warn "Parameter must resolve to a value in pixel units."; }

An error occurs during compilation saying: Invalid CSS after ... expected expression ... was

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Here is an alternative approach:

$font-size: 16;
$font-unit: 1px;

$base-font-size: $font-size * $font-unit !default;

@if unit($base-font-size) != px { @warn "Make sure the parameter is in pixel units."; }

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