Creating a floating button with Tailwindcss: A step-by-step guide

In my solid-js work, I wanted to add a floating button to the far right of the screen in my application. After coming across an intriguing article about creating floating elements in Tailwindcss..., I decided to try it out by writing the following code:

export default function SearchEngine() {
  return (
    <BsChatLeftTextFill size={41} class="float-right text-blue-500 "/>

While this successfully placed the button on the far right of my app, I noticed that its position was affected by scrolling the page. In my view, as a floating button, it should remain fixed at the far right regardless of scrolling, maintaining its original position. This issue led me to consult the Tailwindcss documentation, which confirmed that the property I had used was correct.

Answer №1

Below is the solution I came up with:

      <BsChatLeftTextFill size={41} className="fixed bottom-3 right-14 text-blue-500 " />

The key word to keep in mind here is "fixed", which ensures that the element stays in place even when scrolling. The terms bottom-3 and right-14 specify the exact position of the fixed element in relation to the bottom and right side. Different positions can also be determined using keywords like top-x and left-x for positioning relative to the top and left sides.

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