Creating an interactive R Shiny application with custom CSS styling and a modal

I am encountering an issue when trying to incorporate a modal dialog with a specific CSS style within a R Shiny app. Individually, I can successfully implement a modal dialog without the CSS style and apply the CSS style without any issues. However, when attempting to display the modal dialog alongside the CSS style, the modal dialog fails to appear.

To replicate this issue, you can utilize the following code. The CSS stylesheet I am using is 'flatly' from and should be saved in a subdirectory named www. To observe the different outcomes, you can comment and uncomment the line theme = "bootstrap-flatly.css":

  theme = "bootstrap-flatly.css",
  div("Some text"),
  selectInput("selectInput", "SomeInput", c(1,2,3), selected = NA, multiple = TRUE),
  actionButton("print", "print")
server <- function(input, output){
    title = "My message",
    easyClose = FALSE,
    footer = actionButton("closemodal", "OK")
  observeEvent(input$print, reactiveValuesToList(input) %>% print)

I am seeking assistance in understanding this behavior and would appreciate any guidance on how to successfully apply the CSS style to my modal dialog.

Answer №1

This issue has been discussed on this thread, but the suggested solution did not work for your specific case - attempting to modify the CSS file by adding .modal {z-index: 1050;}.

As an alternative, you can utilize the shinythemes package, which offers the flatly theme without the need for any downloads.


  theme = shinytheme("flatly"),
  div("Some text"),
  selectInput("selectInput", "SomeInput", c(1,2,3),selected = NA, multiple = TRUE),
server <- function(input,output){

    title = "My message",
    easyClose = FALSE,
    footer = actionButton("closemodal", "OK")

  observeEvent(input$print, reactiveValuesToList(input) %>% print)

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