Creating a custom dynamic favicon and title in NextJS

Hello there! I am in the process of creating a web constructor. Currently, my application functions as follows:

  1. I verify the URL that the user is visiting (such as localhost:3000)
  2. I identify their project name within my web constructor (localhost:3000 -> projectName: project1)
  3. I retrieve the website data for the user (including the favicon and title) (project1: {favicon: 'url', ...} Is it feasible to display the favicon and title before the user navigates to the page, ensuring that the correct favicon and title are visible in the browser? At present, I can only achieve this using useEffect in the main App component (though this method is not ideal for SEO purposes). I have attempted using getInitialProps but it does not appear to fulfill the requirement.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

A dynamic favicon and title can be rendered easily using the Head component from next/head. To make it even more convenient, you can create a GenericHead component that can be used whenever needed. Here's an example:

import Head from 'next/head'

const GenericHead: FC<{ title?: string; favicon?: string }> = (props) => {
  const { title, favicon } = props
  return (
      {title ? <title>{title}</title> : <title>Document</title>}
        content='your description'
      <link rel='icon' href={favicon ? favicon : '/favicon.ico'} />

This GenericHead component can be extended with additional meta tags like OpenGraph tags, making it versatile for various scenarios.

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