Creating a CSS scrollbar that mimics touchscreen behavior by allowing all text to be movable

The touch apps I developed work great in kiosk mode on HD-sized screens in fullscreen using Chromium. Now, I want to showcase the site to individuals who want to check the content and functionality.

I can recommend that they use Chromium's dev mode, switch to the tablet in HD mode, and experience the original touch functionality. However, some of these individuals prefer traditional methods (such as printing the approximately 2000 content pages).

With touch, users can easily move the page up and down by touching the text area. However, when using a mouse, only the scrollbar is available. Is there a CSS trick to make the text area moveable on non-touchscreens?

Answer №1

For those seeking to make a desktop web element mimic mobile behavior with touch/tap event simulation, exploring Hammer.js may be a helpful resource:

To simply deactivate the mouse hover effect for specific elements, consider using this CSS snippet:

.yourClass {
  pointer-events: none;

For further insights on touch events, check out this valuable resource: Understanding touch events

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