Can we incorporate <a> tags in XML as we do in HTML?

Currently, I am honing my XML skills. I am planning to incorporate the <a> tag within the XML file in order to create a hyperlink to another webpage.

Answer №1

To incorporate a link in XML, you can utilize the a element as shown below:

<a href="pagetwo.html">Page two</a>

However, it should be noted that XML does not inherently define the <a> element as a hyperlink. The interpretation of what an <a> element represents is dictated by the specific XML vocabulary being used. In one XML vocabulary, it may be considered a link, while in another it could serve a completely different purpose. XML primarily serves as a set of rules for structuring data, rather than imparting specific meaning.

Answer №2

One way to ensure proper functionality is by using the <a> tag with quotation marks

For example, avoid this...

<a href=pagetwo.html>This goes to page two. But does it?</a>

Instead, opt for the correct format like this...

<a href="pagetwo.html">It works now! We have quote marks!</a>

It is vital to adhere to XML's strict rules regarding quote marks to ensure your code functions properly. Here are some key rules to keep in mind:

  • You must have a <!doctype>
  • Tags must be in lowercase (<tExTaReA> is incorrect)
  • Tags must be properly closed
  • Self-closing tags must end with a /
  • Attribute names should be in lowercase
  • Attributes must be enclosed in quotation marks


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