Relative fluid icon within the parent element

Looking at my JSFiddle example, I have two buttons with icons that currently have fixed width and height set. How can I make these icon sizes relative to the parent element using percentages, such as 80%?

Current fixed width and height of icons:

.gc_footer_nix_icon_img, .gc_footer_use_icon_img {
    width: 25px;
    height: 25px;

HTML structure:

<div class='gc_container'>
    <div class='gc_gift'>
        ... (omitted for brevity) ...

CSS snippet:

body {
    ... (CSS properties)
.gc_gift {
    ... (CSS properties)
... (more CSS rules omitted for brevity)

Answer №1

To adjust the width of gc_footer_nix and gc_footer_use, you must first set the width property on these elements. After that, you will be able to customize the width of the images. Check out this fiddle for a demonstration:

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