After using the
ng generate @angular/material:material-nav --name=home
command to create a navbar, I am trying to make it fixed at the top while scrolling. I attempted using position: fixed;
on my mat-sidenav-content but it didn't work. Does anyone have an idea on how I can achieve this?
This is my code in navbar.component.html:
<mat-sidenav-container class="sidenav-container">
<mat-sidenav #drawer class="sidenav" fixedInViewport="false"
[attr.role]="(isHandset$ | async) ? 'dialog' : 'navigation'"
[mode]="(isHandset$ | async) ? 'over' : 'side'"
[opened]="(isHandset$ | async) === false">
<a mat-list-item href="#">Link 1</a>
<a mat-list-item href="#">Link 2</a>
<a mat-list-item href="#">Link 3</a>
<mat-toolbar color="primary">
aria-label="Toggle sidenav"
*ngIf="isHandset$ | async">
<mat-icon aria-label="Side nav toggle icon">menu</mat-icon>
<!-- Add Content Here -->
In navbar.component.ts:
isHandset$: Observable<boolean> = this.breakpointObserver.observe(Breakpoints.Handset)
map(result => result.matches),
constructor(private breakpointObserver: BreakpointObserver) {}
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!