Center align `div 1` with CSS and right align `div 2`

Take a look at this code snippet:

<div class="container">
        <div class="left">
        <div class="right">

Is it possible to align the left side block to the center of the page and have the right side take up the remaining space?

Answer №1

If you're looking to center div 1 within the available space (container - div2), one approach is to apply text-align:center to the container and float div 2 to the right.

Alternatively, you could consider using position:absolute for positioning.

Answer №2

I made a JSFiddle example for your reference. It should function properly if you specify fixed widths for the div elements. If not, you can always update the CSS using some JavaScript.

Here is the CSS code:

background-color:black; /* optional */

background-color:white; /* optional */
margin-left:150px; /* (width_of_container/2) - (width_of_center/2) */

background-color:white; /* optional */

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