Creating a column heading that appears at the top of each column break with the help of CSS column-count

Is there a way to output a list into x number of columns within a content div without specifying the exact amount of columns in CSS? I also want to include a heading at the top of each column:

Firstname  Lastname  State     Firstname  Lastname  State     Firstname  Lastname  State
Jon        Smith     NY        Lisa       Jones     FL        Rich       Ford      TX
Linda      Steele    TN        Rick       Perry     VA        Lee        Linders   OH

I have been able to use column-count for multi-columns, but ideally I would like it to flow into as many columns as will fit and add a header at the top. I think this might require some coding beyond CSS. Any alternative approaches or recommendations would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Answer №1

It seems like CSS allows for the use of auto sizing: W3C CSS3 Column-count. I haven't personally used auto, but it appears to be an option.

Although I'm not entirely sure of your intentions, it might make more sense to organize this information in a table format. Why not have all First Names grouped together in one column (and other similar headings) for better clarity?

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