React component utilizes Material UI to detect scrolling within a table

Currently, my table's body size is set to fixed dimensions in accordance with Material UI guidelines. I am looking to implement a functionality that allows me to dynamically load more rows as the user scrolls through the table.

Can you recommend the most effective method for listening to the scroll event in this context?

Answer №1

Initially attempted the first solution, but it did not align with my implementation.

I managed to resolve the issue by utilizing [email protected] and [email protected]:

Simply create a table element and assign a reference name:

    <TableBody ref="table-body">

In the componentDidMount method, use ReactDOM.findDOMNode to locate the DOMNode:

componentDidMount() {
    let tableBodyNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs["table-body"]).parentNode.parentNode;

    tableBodyNode.addEventListener('scroll', (e) => {

This approach will enable you to capture scroll events on the table component.

Answer №2

If you're finding that material-ui's Table isn't quite meeting your needs, it may be worth exploring other options such as infinite-scrolling components like react-infinite or react-list.

However, I did some experimentation and came up with a different approach for intercepting the scroll event within material-ui's TableBody.

Start by obtaining a reference to the scrollable div containing your table's body (in this case, its grandparent element):

<Table height={200}>
    ref={ref => { this.viewport = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(ref).parentNode.parentNode; } }>

Then, in the componentDidMount() function, add an event listener to the scrollable div for the onscroll event:

componentDidMount() {
  this.viewport.addEventListener('scroll', (e) => {

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