The `<Outlet/>` from react-router is being rendered in a location outside of its intended wrapper div

Utilizing MUI for crafting a straightforward dashboard featuring an <AppBar>, a side <Drawer>, my component appears as follows:

// code omitted
// code omitted

// along with a wrapper for the Outlet
        <Stack alignItems={'flex-end'} id="router-outlet-wrapper">
            <Toolbar />
            <Box sx={{
                width: `${menuOpen ? `calc( 100% - ${drawerWidth}px )` : '100%'}`,
                height: "100px",
                backgroundColor: 'blue'
                Dynamic width div
                <Outlet />

Upon examining the code, it was discovered that the Outlet correctly renders the div but is positioned outside its parent container. Furthermore, unlike its parent (the blue box), it fails to adjust its width dynamically based on the Drawer's state.

Evidently, it seems hidden behind the Drawer (possibly due to a higher z-index). Take a look at the images below for clarification:

Opened view:

Closed view:

The div housing the text "la page profile" represents the Outlet element in this scenario.

The objective is for it to stretch across the entire page width when the drawer is closed and shrink when open. Currently seeking assistance on this matter.

EDIT 1 :

Below is the minimal-reproducible-example:

Answer №1

I have finally cracked the code! The issue was with how I structured my <Routes>. It turns out, the <PrimaryLayout/> component must have nested routes in order for the <Outlet/> to function properly. Additionally, it needs to be mapped to the root route "/".

I made the following changes to the old code:

    <Route path='/' element={<h1>root route "/"</h1>} /> {/* self closing */}
    <Route path='/article' element={<Article />} />
    <Route path='/evenement' element={<Evenement />} />
    <Route path='/profile' element={<Profil />} />
    <Route path='/parametresUtilisateur' element={<ParametresUtilisateurs />} />

And now, it looks like this:

    <Route path='/' element={<PrimaryLayout />}> {/* not self closing */}
      <Route path='article' element={<Article />} />
      <Route path='evenement' element={<Evenement />} />
      <Route path='profile' element={<Profil />} />
      <Route path='parametresUtilisateur' element={<ParametresUtilisateurs />} />

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