Create a visually appealing collage using CSS without the need for traditional IMG tags

I'm currently working on a fun little project. My goal is to create a photo grid in HTML5 that displays 3x4 pictures (without using Divs) and adding all the images via CSS, meaning no img tag in the HTML file.

The challenge is to make this grid responsive. When scaling from desktop to tablet size, it should transition into a 2x4 photo grid, and then transform into a 1x4 grid for mobile display.

So far, I've successfully created a 3x4 grid but I'm struggling with adding the pictures in the CSS. I tried using background-image: url('picture.jpg') but encountered issues with it not displaying properly.

Additionally, making the grid scalable has proven to be difficult. I attempted using media queries but couldn't achieve the desired outcome.

If anyone has any insights or suggestions on how to accomplish this task, it would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,


Answer №1

When it comes to including pictures in your project, the challenge lies in deciding whether to use a relative or absolute path.

For example, if your index.html is located in the root directory of your project and the images are stored in projectroot/img directory, you can opt for relative paths that point to the project-root. On the other hand, absolute paths need to start from the Server/Machine-Root directory.

You can try using this syntax for relative paths:

section{ background-image: url("../imagedirectory/image.jpg");

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