Using Jquery to bind events for selecting focus in and out

There seems to be an issue with binding jQuery events to a select element. The desired behavior is for the .focus class to be added when the select is clicked. However, the logic breaks when an option is selected from the dropdown.

See it in action here: JSFIDDLE

Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the select
  2. Select an option
  3. Click on the select again - .focus not added

Here's the code snippet:


$('select').bind('focusout change',function(){

Answer №1

The main issue lies in the fact that you're only applying the class when the select is focused, and then removing it when the select's value changes. The problem arises because the select never loses focus when an option is chosen. To solve this and achieve the desired behavior, you can try the following approach:


$('select').blur(function() {

Update - It seems like you want to maintain the feature of removing the class when an option is selected, which is why I recommend binding to click events instead of focusing and blurring.

Answer №2

When you choose an option from a dropdown menu, the focus is shifted away from the select element. This triggers a 'focusout' event on the select, causing the removal of a class from its parent element.

The reason why the class is not added is because the select element is already in focus. To resolve this issue, consider using the '.blur()' and '.focus()' events instead.

For a working demonstration, you can visit: CHECK DEMO

Answer №3

It seems like what you're searching for is a solution similar to this, although there may be room for error:

$('select').on("focus", function(){

Utilize the on method to attach events and employ the focus and blur events for your select box. Assuming I comprehended your query correctly, this code should address your concern.


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