Could Chrome be miscalculating em unit values in media queries?

I have defined my media query breakpoints as shown below:

@media screen and (max-width:48em){
    /* phone */
@media screen and (min-width:48.063em){
    /* tablet */

After using a PX to EM calculator to get the 48.063em value (as I was advised to use em-units), I noticed that while it works fine in Firefox, Chrome seems to have an issue. The browser width of 769px falls in between the defined max-width and min-width values, causing neither to be applied. I know I can resolve this by adjusting the min-width to 48.01em. However, I have seen tutorials using 48.063em as well.

Could someone please confirm whether this is a bug in Chrome or a flaw in my approach?

Answer №1

I encountered the same issue and I believe you are right in assuming that your width is falling between the specified values, causing neither style to be applied. My suggestion is to eliminate the phone media query and include the phone styles at the top level instead, like this:

/* phone styles */

@media screen and (min-width:48.063em){
    /* tablet styles */

By doing this, your phone styles will be implemented unless the width reaches 48.063em or higher, at which point the phone styles will be overridden by similar ones in the media query (following a mobile-first design approach). This approach simplifies the cutoff point. You could also apply this concept to larger devices as well:

@media screen and (min-width:100em){
    /* even larger styles */

When examining the CSS for Foundation, you'll notice this methodology, which assisted me in resolving the issue. As to why the original code functions on browsers other than Chrome, I cannot say.

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