I'm looking to customize the text displayed on the screen from my JSON file. Is there a way to hide this text?

I am currently working with a JSON data file that contains values and displays them on the screen alongside a CSS property width. However, I do not want the output to be the actual numerical data; instead, I aim to connect the JSON file so that the value sets the width of the bar. Here's the jQuery code snippet I'm using:

    var MAX_WIDTH = 100; // Define max bar width in Pixels here
    $.getJSON("js/json/sidekicks.json", function(obj){
        $.each(obj.Sidekicks, function(key, value){
            var color = 'rgb(' + ((value.Score / 100) * 255) + ', #de0001, 10';
            var width = (value.Score / 33) * MAX_WIDTH;
            $('div#' + value.Id).find('span.red_line_fill').text(value.Score).css("background-color", color).width(width);

Below is an image illustrating what I am aiming for. The objective is to remove the displayed value "20" from the screen.

Is there any way to indicate the leader by displaying the label "1st" in the image?

Answer №1

Utilize the text('') function (or omit .text() to avoid setting any value. Note that this will not hide text that has already been displayed) in order to set an empty value. Give this a try:

  $('div#' + value.Id).find('span.red_line_fill').text('').css("background-color", color).width(width);

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