This is the snippet of code that I need to keep hidden
<div class="count">
<div class="number">1</div>
<div class="text">donation</div>
I attempted to hide it using CSS like this:
.count {
display: none;
And also tried: div.count {
display: none;
The structure of the body tag is as follows:
<body itemtype="" itemscope="itemscope" class="page-template-default page page-id-750 logged-in admin-bar wp-custom-logo ast-single-post ast-mobile-inherit-site-logo ast-inherit-site-logo-transparent ast-theme-transparent-header ast-hfb-header ast-page-builder-template ast-no-sidebar astra-3.9.2 elementor-default elementor-kit-442 elementor-page elementor-page-750 customize-support e--ua-blink e--ua-chrome e--ua-webkit ast-mouse-clicked ast-header-break-point"