What steps can I take to stop Firefox from automatically adding vertical scrollbars to a select dropdown when I change the background color?

Having an issue with changing the background color of a select dropdown. It works fine in Chrome and Safari, but when I try to change the background color in Firefox to anything other than #FFFFFF, the appearance of the dropdown changes drastically. It seems like Firefox stops using the default macOS UI for the dropdown: the rounded corners disappear, scrollbars show up, and the font size and spacing look different.

I've experimented with using -moz-appearance: none; and targeting the option elements, but haven't been able to fix the problem.

Here's what the select dropdown looks like with a #FFFFFF background in Firefox: https://i.sstatic.net/0jPHH.png

And here's how it looks with any other color background in Firefox: https://i.sstatic.net/KwTrf.png

The background color dropdown behaves correctly in Chrome and Safari: https://i.sstatic.net/aEJac.png

You can check out a Codepen comparing the different results here: https://codepen.io/ian-pvd/pen/XxdKJB

(Make sure to view it in Firefox and compare the results with other browsers.)

Is there a specific style or workaround that can prevent this issue or force the select dropdown to use the system UI?

Browsers: Firefox 62.0.2 Chrome 69.0.3497.100 Safari 11.0.3 Operating System: macOS 10.13.3

Answer №1

Is there a workaround to avoid this issue, or can we make the select dropdown menu use the default system UI?

A potential solution could be using jquery-nice-select

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