Trick for hiding CSS elements when input field is vacant

Is there a way to hide the search result when the input is empty?

While everything is functioning correctly, I would like to prevent the search result from remaining visible after clearing the input field. For example, if you type 'A' and then delete it, the result should disappear.

A big thank you to anyone who can provide the solution!

The element

<div id="result"></div>
is the one that needs to be hidden.

This is the CSS code for my search implementation:

    border:solid 1px #000;
    position: absolute;
    border:1px #CCC solid;
    background-color: white;
    border-bottom:1px #999 dashed;

Here's the HTML code for the search input box:

<div class="content">
                        <input type="text" class="search" id="searchid" placeholder="Search"/>
                        <div id="result"></div>

This is how my search results are displayed:

<div class="show" align="left">
                           <span class="name"><a href="/sheridan/page/?p=' .  $rowsTitle['id'] . '">' . $rowsTitle['title'] . '</a> ' . $label . "<br>".

Below is the JQuery script used to retrieve search information:

            var searchid = $(this).val();
            var dataString = 'search='+ searchid;
                    type: "GET",
                    url: "/sheridan/script/search.php",
                    data: dataString,
                    cache: false,
                    success: function(html)

            }return false;

            var $clicked = $(;
            var $name = $clicked.find('.name').html();
            var decoded = $("<div/>").html($name).text();
        jQuery(document).live("click", function(e) {
            var $clicked = $(;
            if (! $clicked.hasClass("search")){

Note: I unintentionally omitted the JQuery function used to extract information from the database in the earlier explanation.

Answer №1

Instead of clearing the result div, it remains filled with data when there is a letter present.

$(".search").on("keyup", function(){
    else {

Link to Fiddle

Answer №2

In order to accomplish this task, JavaScript must be utilized since CSS does not offer a method for recognizing empty input fields.

For the demonstration below, I have opted to utilize jQuery; however, it can also be done without any external frameworks.

$('.search').on('input', function() {
    $('#result').toggle( $(this).val() );

JSFiddle Example

Answer №3

Implement JQuery for user interaction.

$( "#searchid" ).keypress(function() {
  var searchValue = $( "#searchid" ).val();
if(searchValue == '') {

Answer №4

Check out the code below:

    var len = $("#searchid").val().length;
     if (len <= 0)
         //clear the result


try using $("#result").hide();



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