Utilizing carouFredsel for thumbnails and compatibility with IE7

I've successfully integrated carouFredSel (using the basic example with next/prev and pagination) on Chrome, Firefox, IE9, and IE8. However, when I tested it on IE7, the plugin didn't seem to work correctly. The list just displayed vertically without hiding overflow or providing buttons for navigation. Am I missing something here?

I've gone through the installation process multiple times and even tried implementing it on a standalone IE7 page without success. I've also checked the configuration, custom events, and IE7 developer tools. It appears that the plugin isn't setting up the necessary elements correctly for IE7, despite creating the required class/id attributes like foo2 and image_carousel. Can someone try using a different IE7 version to troubleshoot, in case my IE7 VHD has some settings affecting the functionality?

Thank you for your assistance. Kamron


Answer №1

Checking the source, there seems to be an error in your conditional comment. It looks like you are missing a space between IE and 7.

Your current code snippet:

<!--[if lte IE7]>
<link rel="stlesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.kamsshowcase.com/stws-wp/wp-content/themes/stws/inc/style_ie6.css"></script<![endif]-->

The corrected code should be:

<!--[if lte IE 7]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.kamsshowcase.com/stws-wp/wp-content/themes/stws/inc/style_ie6.css"></script><![endif]-->

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