Conceal the column heading while keeping the placement of the remaining headers intact using CSS

I currently have a table with 3 columns and I am trying to hide the first column header while keeping the body of the column intact. Below is the code I am using:




th:first-child {
  display: none;

While this successfully hides the first header, it results in the other headers shifting to the left to fill up the missing space. Can someone provide guidance on how to keep them in the same position without shifting? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

JSFiddle link here

Answer №1

When you apply the display:none property, it completely removes a <th> element causing the other elements to adjust and fill the space left behind. To prevent this from happening, you can keep the <th> element in place using the following CSS:

th:first-child {
  visibility: hidden;

Alternatively, you can achieve the same result with:

th:first-child {
  opacity: 0;

Answer №2

To hide an element, you can use the CSS property visibility: hidden;:

th:first-child {
  visibility: hidden;

With this method, the element will be hidden but it will still reserve space on the page.

You can see an example of this in action on this JSFiddle link.

Answer №3

By setting a display to 'none', the entire element vanishes along with the space it occupies, but this can be prevented by adjusting the opacity to 0:

th:first-child {
  opacity: 0;

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