Creating a platform where your choices determine the results is my goal for a new website

My goal is to create a unique website that generates text based on responses to multiple choice questions. For instance, users can select symptoms from a list of options and receive recommended medicine at the end of the process.

I'm wondering where to begin in terms of using a medication list and SQL database. What steps should I take to develop a website with this functionality?

I have experience with utilizing SQL databases and CSS, so I feel confident in tackling this project.

Answer №1

It is my belief that creating a website focused on health could be extremely beneficial. My recommendation would be to utilize frontend technologies such as HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap in conjunction with backend languages like JavaScript and PHP. For the database component, MySQL would be a solid choice. As mentioned in your question, consider incorporating a Q&A section between users and a virtual assistant, or alternatively use radio buttons or checkboxes for user input. Utilizing APIs to gather data and process information in the backend can streamline the process of providing relevant medical advice or recommendations. Consider organizing all this data in a structured JSON file for easy access. Additionally, if you are proficient in Python, it may also prove useful in handling data retrieval and analysis. Remember to select the most suitable technologies for your project and put forth your best effort. Best of luck with the development of your website!

Answer №2

If I were tackling a small project, I'd opt for a basic database setup where each medication is linked to a list of symptoms (m:n relation). The next step would be showing the percentage match of selected symptoms for each medication based on the number of symptoms clicked.

The functionality of clicking on symptoms suggests using JavaScript or jQuery. By implementing buttons to save selected symptoms and then displaying items with the highest matches, an interactive user experience can be created.

For a larger scale project requiring more complexity, exploring algorithms like the ones used in Akinator or similar applications could be beneficial. Machine learning, especially in the field of medicine, could offer valuable insights, although my knowledge on this subject is limited.

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