What is the best way to connect a relative CSS stylesheet to a master page?

My Java application generates several HTML pages, organized in different directories:

   ----> landin_page.html

   ----> index1.html

   ----> index2.html

   ----> master_page.css

I am trying to link the master_page.css file in the header of all HTML pages.

What is the best way to reference it?

I initially attempted to use an absolute path, but it resulted in a 404 error.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/html_pages/css/master_page.css">

Answer №1

To apply the styles from a CSS file to all pages within the same directory, include the following code snippet in the <head> section of each page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="master_page.css" type="text/css">

Answer №2

To reference the full path, it is recommended to use ${pageContext.request.contextPath}.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/css/delta_samples.css">

Simply adding ${pageContext.request.contextPath} will do the job.

While using "../" may also work, it is not advised as it may lead to code breaking at times.

Answer №3

To signify the parent directory, remember to employ the ..:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/delta_samples.css">

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