Conceal information within a label

I am encountering an issue with a wordpress plugin and I am attempting to conceal (or alternatively, replace which would be fantastic) the terms "DD", "MM" and "YYYY" in the provided code:

<div class="smFormInlineFormCont">
    <div class="smInlineForm smInlineFormDate">
        <label><input name="smFieldData[wpformfield5627][date][dd]" id="smform-field-yyyy2452" 
            class="smFieldDD smform-control smform-field-sizelarge "
            type="number"  date-type="date"  min="1" max="31" /> DD</label></span>

        <span><label><input name="smFieldData[wpformfield5627][date][mm]" id="smform-field-mm2452" 
            class="smFieldMM smform-control smform-field-sizelarge "
            type="number"  date-type="date"  min="1" max="12" /> MM</label></span>

        <span><label><input name="smFieldData[wpformfield5627][date][yyyy]" id="smform-field-yyyy2452" 
            class="smFieldDD smform-control smform-field-sizelarge "
            type="number"  date-type="date" min="1" max="9999" /> YYYY</label></span>

The issue is that I am creating a website in French so I would prefer to use JJ, MM, AAAA instead or remove entirely the letters causing inconvenience.

Thank you for your assistance :)

Answer №1

To change text content using javascript or jquery:

     var txt = $(this).text().replace("YYYY", "AAAA").replace("DD", "JJ");
     var inp = $(this).find('input');
<script src=""></script>

<div class="smFormInlineFormCont">
    <div class="smInlineForm smInlineFormDate">
        <label><input name="smFieldData[wpformfield5627][date][dd]" id="smform-field-yyyy2452" 
            class="smFieldDD smform-control smform-field-sizelarge "
            type="number"  date-type="date"  min="1" max="31" /> DD</label></span>

        <span><label><input name="smFieldData[wpformfield5627][date][mm]" id="smform-field-mm2452" 
            class="smFieldMM smform-control smform-field-sizelarge "
            type="number"  date-type="date"  min="1" max="12" /> MM</label></span>

        <span><label><input name="smFieldData[wpformfield5627][date][yyyy]" id="smform-field-yyyy2452" 
            class="smFieldDD smform-control smform-field-sizelarge "
            type="number"  date-type="date" min="1" max="9999" /> YYYY</label></span>

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