What is the way to change the background color using HTML5 getItem?

Here is the code I am currently using:

$(this).css('backgroundcolor', localStorage.getItem('bgColorr') + " !important;");

When I execute this:

alert( localStorage.getItem('bgColorr') + " !important;");

I receive the correct alert which is rgb(243,102,42) !important; ....

This issue is really bothering me.. thank you for your help!


The surrounding code snippet is as follows:

$(function() {
    $(this).css('background-color', localStorage.getItem('bgColorr'));

var colorOptions = '#000, #fff, #abf7ae, #f6cbe9, #53c68f, #53c1c6, #538dc6, #c6536b'.split(', '),
    colorDivs = [],
    colorsContainer = $('#colorsContainer');

for ( var i = 0, len = colorOptions.length; i < len; i++ ) {
    var div = $('<div />').css('background', colorOptions[i])[0];


$('#header').hover(function() {
        .click(function() {
            $('body').css('background', $(this).css('backgroundColor'));
            localStorage.setItem('bgColorr', $(this).css('backgroundColor'));
}, function() {

That should do it, thanks everyone!

Answer №1

  • Instead of using 'backgroundcolor', try using 'background-color'.
  • Avoid using !important, as it cannot be set via JavaScript.
  • Do not include a semicolon at the end of the property value.


Furthermore, it appears that this is not an HTML element. Make sure to use a proper selector such as $('#someid') for selecting elements with specific IDs. If you wish to change the body background, use $('body').

To sum up, your final code should look like this:

$('body').css('background-color', localStorage.getItem('bgColorr'));

Answer №2

The issue lies not in the getItem function or any other part of your code, but rather in the capitalization of the CSS property name. The correct spelling is backgroundColor, not backgroundcolor.

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