Combining color and typography classes using Tailwind merge is currently not supported

In my custom styling setup, I have created a custom color class called text-green (colors) and a custom typography class called text-card-highlight (utilities), which includes font size and weight attributes. However, when using tailwind-merge, only one of these classes is being applied.

I'm puzzled as to why this is happening since there are no common CSS attributes between the two classes.

Interestingly, everything works perfectly fine when I use the classes without tailwind-merge.

To provide more context, I have integrated the font classes into my tailwind configuration as utilities:

plugin(({ addUtilities, theme }) => {
            '.text-card-subheading': {
                fontSize: theme('fontSize.xxs'),
                fontWeight: theme('fontWeight.normal'),
            '@screen md': {
                '.text-card-subheading': {
                    fontSize: theme('fontSize.xs'),

Answer №1

(I am the developer behind the tailwind-merge library)

If you are using a personalized Tailwind CSS configuration, it is important to also set up tailwind-merge accordingly. You can find detailed information about configuring tailwind-merge and there is a helpful recipe for configuration with an example in the documentation.

For your specific scenario:

The text-green class does not require additional setup in tailwind-merge and works seamlessly out of the box.

Regarding the text-card-highlight class, it is suggested to deconstruct it into standard Tailwind CSS classes as it could be complex to configure individually in tailwind-merge (especially if multiple similar classes exist). Learn more here

Instead of using the text-card-highlight class directly, consider creating a JavaScript variable containing the standard Tailwind classes in a string for easier reuse. For example:

const textCardHighlightStyles = 'text-base font-medium'

// within your component
twMerge(textCardHighlightStyles, 'text-green')

By following this approach, merging should function smoothly without any issues.

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