The Dojo claro css method utilizes absolute positioning for styling ContentPane elements

I am currently utilizing dojo 1.8 and facing an issue with unwanted padding in my bordercontainer/contentpane layout. The problem arises when I incorporate the claro css file, as it seems to apply styles directly inline to the div elements used for my content panes, instead of just applying class styles. This behavior gives the impression that it is being done programmatically, but only upon adding the css file.

Take, for example, the contentpane serving as my header:

<div data-dojo-props="region: 'top'" 
   class="dijitContentPane dijitBorderContainer-child 
     dijitBorderContainerPane dijitAlignTop" 
   title="" role="group" widgetid="header" 
   style="left: 5px; top: 5px; position: absolute; width: 1387px;">

This results in the addition of inline styling such as "left: 5px; top: 5px...", which makes it challenging to override any padding or margin settings using CSS alone. My objective is to have my content panes without any padding or "virtual" padding caused by absolute positioning like this. How can I retain the use of claro while avoiding this undesired outcome?

Answer №1

The 5px margin is a result of the gutters being enabled in the BorderContainer.

To remove this margin, simply add gutters: false to the properties of the BorderContainer.

Answer №2

When the dijit.layout widgets are rendered, they undergo a resizing process to determine the available space and configure themselves according to the specific layout variant being used (such as BorderLayout for nested containers). This is why inline styling is applied programmatically.

If you're experiencing issues with your custom CSS having less priority than the default styles from claro.css, it's likely a problem of specificity.

Understanding CSS specificity is essential - it determines which styles take precedence. The more specific a CSS rule is, the higher its priority.

To override a class-on-class rule like this:

.claro .dijitContentPane {}

You can increase the specificity by using an #id selector, nodetype-selector, or adding a prefix like 'body' for general rules or '#innerContentsWrapper' for more localized styles.

.dijitContentPane { /* least specific */}
.claro .dijitContentPane { /* third highest specificity */ }
.claro div.dijitContentPane { /* second highest specificity */ }
body .claro div.dijitContentPane { /* highest specificity */ }

Answer №3

If you want to make it work, try adding this attribute to your div:


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