Center the text vertically within a card using Vuetify styling

I am seeking a way to vertically align text within a card using Vuetify or traditional CSS in a Vue project.

Here is my code:

    <v-container class="my-5">

      <v-row justify="space-between">

        <v-col cols="12" md="6" lg="3">
           <v-btn outline block class="primary">1</v-btn>

        <v-col cols="12" md="6" lg="3">
           <v-btn outline block class="primary">1</v-btn>

        <v-col cols="12" md="6" lg="3">
           <v-card outlined color="red" height="450">
             <p class="mx-3 text-center">texto textinho texto textao texto bla bla bla pi popopopo blabla bleuu bli pei pou</p>



Answer №1

If you want to align items using vuetify, you can make use of the flex align feature. Simply add d-flex align-center to your card tag:

<v-card outlined color="red" height="450" class="d-flex align-center">

Check out this DEMO for a visual representation.

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