Combining Bootstrap with Rails

As I delve into the official documentation on incorporating Twitter Bootstrap in Rails, I stumbled upon an interesting tidbit:

It mentions to eliminate all the *= require_self and *= require_tree . statements from the Sass file and opt for @import to import Sass files instead.

My query is, what is the proper method to import other stylesheets? Do I need to create additional *.scss files and then utilize the @import directive for inclusion? This seems to be what the documentation is hinting at. But, if that's the case, how would I import files that are not located in the same directory as the file where I'm applying the @import directive?

Appreciate the insight!

Answer №1

There are advantages to reading this informative post.

The issue at hand is related to the concept of "backwards compatibility" - CSS does not accommodate mixins/variables, which restricts the functionality available when using the manifest directive.

SCSS acts as a preprocessor that essentially compiles SCSS files into legitimate CSS, utilizing mixins and variables before removing them.


To leverage mixins and enhanced functionality of SCSS, it is necessary to convert your application file to SCSS format (to include dependents):

@import "bootstrap" -> SCSS file
@import *           -> will call all stylesheets in /stylesheets dir (CSS or other) 

Considering that other CSS files do not require SCSS preprocessing, they will be called as they are. If specific SCSS functionality is essential, alter the file extension to .scss:

The file extensions utilized for an asset determine the preprocessing steps that are applied.

Answer №2

Deciding to take matters into my own hands, I fired up a test rails application to get to the bottom of this.

It turns out, you can incorporate other SCSS files using the @import directive.

If the SCSS file you want to include is located in a separate directory, simply provide the relative path to that file, relative to the file where you are using the @import directive.

It's important to note that you should not include the *scss extension when utilizing the @import directive. SCSS is intelligent enough to locate the file without it.

Answer №3

My approach to using bootstrap-sass

  1. Instead of converting application.css to application.scss, I keep everything untouched in application.css
  2. Develop a new file named app/assets/stylesheets/main.scss
  3. In main.scss, incorporate the following two lines

    @import "bootstrap-sprockets"; @import "bootstrap";

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