jQuery appears to be unresponsive or inactive

I'm trying to implement a jQuery script that will slide in a header after scrolling on the page, but for some reason, it's not working. When I reach the 3rd line, my code editor displays a !read only alert, suggesting there may be a syntax issue?

Just so you know, I am using Beaver Builder, which automatically includes jQuery.

$( document ).ready(function() {
            scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
            if (scroll > 450){

            if (scroll < 450){


        $( document ).ready(function() {
            scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
            if (scroll > 700){

            if (scroll < 700){


For both #jquery-mob and #why-jquery elements, their initial display is set to none.


#why-jquery {
    position: fixed;
    z-index: 99;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100px;
    display: none;

#jQuery-mob {
    position: fixed;
    z-index: 99;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100px;
    padding: 0 !important;
    display: none;

Answer №1

I typically utilize beaver builder, which automatically incorporates jQuery into my projects.

However, it seems like you may have confused that with:

I work with wordpress sites, where jQuery is called automatically.

For wordpress websites, the default practice is to use jQuery instead of $. You can either replace all instances, or solely employ jQuery within the .ready "wrapper" and pass the $ into the .ready function.

Here's an example of both approaches:

jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
        scroll = jQuery(window).scrollTop();
        if (scroll > 450){

        if (scroll < 450){

jQuery(document).ready(function(  $  ) {
        scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
        if (scroll > 700){

        if (scroll < 700){

Please note that I haven't verified your code, but I noticed you're using scroll without declaring it with var. This implies that scroll will be a global variable. It could potentially lead to conflicts between functions and even overwrite the window.scroll function. To avoid this, consider using var scroll= and opt for a different variable name.

Answer №2

scroll functions at the window level in a browser, making it a reserved word:


If you attempt to change it with a variable named "scroll", that's what triggers the "!read only" error mentioned.

To resolve this, use a different variable name and declare it using 'var'.

Answer №3

This code is facing a logical problem

  if (when scrolled less than 450 && also less than 800){ 

It is redundant to have the second comparison when checking if scroll is smaller than 450, as it will always be smaller than 800 in that case.

A similar issue arises on this line:

if (when scroll is under 700 && but less than 1000){

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