"CodeSandbox encountered an issue where PostCSS received an undefined value instead of the expected CSS

I successfully uploaded a React project to CodeSandbox locally by utilizing the codesandbox ./ terminal command.

If you want to access the CodeSandbox project, you can find the link here.

However, when trying to view the project in the pane, I encountered an error message saying "PostCSS received undefined instead of CSS string", which is preventing me from seeing the project in the browser.

The issue seems to be with the first two lines of my code in the 'variables.scss' file:

$light-primary: #fdebeb;
$light-grey: #f1f3f6;

Can anyone explain why this is happening?

Answer №1

One suggestion I have for you is to create a main.scss file that imports other scss files. This approach helped me resolve the error.

// Define variables
@import "./variables";

// Other styles
@import "./general";
@import "./typography";

Don't forget to import this in your App.js -

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