What is the best way to prevent the body from scrolling when scrolling on a fixed div without making the body's scroll bar disappear?

Is there a way to prevent the body from scrolling while I scroll on a fixed div? I attempted using overflow:hidden for the body, which stops scrolling but causes the page to shake when the scroll bar disappears. Is there a solution that allows me to keep the scroll bar visible while preventing scrolling?

Answer №1

Check out this JS Fiddle demonstrating a basic layout with two paragraphs and a div. Notice that when you scroll inside the div, the body does not scroll. No need to hide overflow, just ensure that the div itself has overflow-y set to scroll. See the CSS for the div below; no additional CSS or JavaScript is required.

.customDiv {
    max-height: 400px;
    overflow-y: scroll;

Answer №2

Here is the code I used to solve the issue:


    $(document).on('mousewheel',".dropdown-menu-rightt", function(e){
      //preventing page from scrolling
      return false;

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