Choose the immediate sibling located right after a specific element

My goal is to have the second paragraph following a h1 element display a dropcap, with the first being reserved for the author and date.

Although I've tried using different CSS combinations like h1 + p::first-letter {}, it only affects the first paragraph after the heading.

Attempts such as h1 + p + p::first-letter {} or

h1 + p:nth-child(2)::first-letter {}
haven't produced the desired result. Is it not possible to combine CSS selectors in this manner?

Another question on this topic does not provide a solution applicable to my situation, so it's not a duplicate case.

Answer №1

Examining the two elements that you claim do not function correctly, consider this arrangement:

h1+p+p::first-letter {
  color: red;

h1+p:nth-child(2)::first-letter {
  color: blue;

This results in:

The first P is styled in blue because we specified to select the p element that is the second child of its parent - with h1 being the first child (of body as the parent in this example), therefore the first p element is targeted. If you intend to target a specific type of child, you should use child-of-type instead of nth child.

The second P appears in red because we indicated to select the direct sibling of a p element that itself is the immediate sibling of an h1 element.

In conclusion, this configuration successfully targets the second p element.

You mentioned that it is not functioning as expected, suggesting that there might be some interference with the selection - possibly another element in between?

Answer №2

If you're looking to enhance the design of your website content, consider adding a custom class to the <p> element. You could name it something like main-content and then style it using CSS:

.main-content::first-letter { ... }

.main-content::first-letter {
  color: red;
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<p>Stuff in here.</p>
<p class="main-content">Wow look at this!</p>

If adding a class is not an option, you can achieve a similar effect with CSS by targeting the second <p> element like so (although this method is not recommended):

p:nth-of-type(2)::first-letter {
  color: red;
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<p>Stuff in here.</p>
<p>Wow look at this!</p>

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