How come ng-class doesn't apply to a specific class name?

I recently wrote the following code:

    .dotted {


 <p ng-style="mystyle" ng-class="dotted">{{ answer }}</p>

My intention was to have the paragraph element enclosed within a dotted border line. However, it does not seem to be working as expected. Upon reviewing the Angular documentation (, I came across the following information:

If the expression evaluates to a string, the string should be one or more space-delimited class names.

From this, I gather that ng-class is meant to contain a class name defined within the <style> tag itself. So, where could I possibly be going wrong?

Answer №1

ng-class directive evaluates its value against the scope of the DOM it is bound to. In this case, dotted does not get evaluated with the scope and ends up without a value. Therefore, you need to provide it as 'dotted' (as a string).


If your class is static, you should simply use class="dotted".

Answer №2

When using ng-class, make sure to provide an evaluation like the following:

ng-class="{class: booleanVar}"

If your class name includes a hyphen, be sure to enclose it in quotes like so:

ng-class="{'my-class-name': someVar === someThing}"

You can also use a function in ng-class like this:

ng-class="{'my-class-name': someFuncReturningTruthyValue()}"

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