What exactly is the purpose of the double ampersand selector, '&&', when it comes to overriding the root class with makeStyles within Material-UI React?

I recently started using Material-UI and encountered an issue where I couldn't override the root class for Avatar, specifically MuiAvatar-root.

Material-Ui Version: 4.11.3

Despite following examples provided by material-ui's documentation here, I was unable to successfully override the Avatar style.

In the code snippet below


<Grid item>
    <Avatar alt="avatar" src={avatar} classes={{root: classes.root }} />

The above approach didn't yield any results along with several other methods attempted.

root: {
    width: "128px",
    height: "128px",
    margin: "8px",

Eventually, I managed to override the Avatar style by utilizing the overrides key in my global theme styles as shown below:

const theme = createMuiTheme({
  // Not Required
  overrides: {
    MuiAvatar: {
      root: {
        width: "128px",
        height: "128px",
        margin: "8px",
  palette: { 

However, this method led to unintended changes in all Avatars across my project. An example is demonstrated below:

<Container className={classes.center}>
    <Avatar className={ classes.avatar }>
        <ContactMailIcon />
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({

To resolve the issue, I discovered that adding '&&' before the style properties helped in both scenarios as illustrated below:

For 1st scenario

root: {
        '&&': {
            width: "128px",
            height: "128px",
            margin: "8px",

And for the 2nd scenario:

export const useContactStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
    avatar: {
        "&&": {
            margin: theme.spacing(1),
            backgroundColor: "#ff4838",
            alignItems: 'center',

This workaround successfully allowed me to override the default MuiAvatar-root class and apply individual styles. However, I am uncertain about the functioning of '&&' or its relevance to SASS which I have no prior experience with.


**Upon further explanation from @Bassem and through this article, it seems that '&&' is used to increase specificity/priority in styling.

Although this trick resolved my issue without causing conflicts, I am curious whether this method is recommended practice or if there are potential drawbacks to using '&&'?

Answer №1

To successfully apply the classes, you will need to utilize the makeStyles utility in this manner:

import { Avatar } from "@material-ui/core";
import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/core/styles";

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  root: {
    width: "128px",
    height: "128px",
    margin: theme.spacing(1),

export default function App() {
  const classes = useStyles();
  return (
      <Avatar classes={{ root: classes.root }} />

You can see a live demonstration here: https://codesandbox.io/s/friendly-chatterjee-w507i

Typically, using the double ampersand syntax to customize Material UI's components is not recommended. However, it can be used to increase the specificity if needed. For more information on this technique, check out this informative article: https://dev.to/magischerzwerg/double-ampersand-trick-in-sass-with-react-4khe

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