The images on the Shopify platform are becoming increasingly fuzzy

I'm facing an issue where the images I add to my Shopify site using the Brooklyn theme appear blurry unless resized to a small scale. The dimensions of the images are 1748 x 1240 at 300dpi.

My intention is to implement a JQuery image slider (lightslider) on the site, but this brought the problem to light: the thumbnails look clear at 95 x 67, however, the main carousel image appears blurry (set to a max-width of 891 x 633 within its parent div).

Testing the slider outside of Shopify showed no blurriness in the images. When trying different sliders like flex-slider within the Shopify theme, the large images still appeared blurry.

I suspect there might be something in the Shopify theme CSS affecting the image quality. Is it possible or am I overlooking something?

Answer №1

This seems highly unlikely. Two thoughts come to mind:

  1. Have you confirmed that the images are truly 1748 x 1240? Try right clicking on the blurry image and selecting "view image" to check the dimensions.
  2. If your css width is set at 100%, is your css height set as auto?

I haven't encountered this issue in quite some time, but it might be worth experimenting with a different web browser. In the past, certain browsers had poor scaling engines for images. You could try resizing the images manually to 891 x 633 -- if those are indeed the maximum dimensions, then downloading larger versions would only waste bandwidth.

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