Changing the position of a Bootstrap popover dynamically from top to bottom

Struggling with the bootstrap popover here. I can't seem to change the popover position from top to bottom when it reaches the top of the viewport. I attempted to use

placement: 'auto bottom' but unfortunately, it didn't do the trick for me.

var options = {
    placement: function (context, element) {
        var position = $(element).position();
        console.log( - $(window).scrollTop());
        if ( - $(window).scrollTop() < 110){
            return "bottom";
        return "top";
    }, html: true


I managed to get the "popover" to display on the top as intended. However, the popover at the bottom ends up with a negative position and consistently shows at the bottom.

Answer №1

For optimal popover placement, make sure to include data-placement="auto top". This directive will prompt the popover to appear at the top if space permits, and move it to the bottom if necessary.

In essence, you specify your preferred position, with a fallback option in case the primary one is not viable (similar to how "auto left" allows for left placement first, then right if needed).

<a href="#" title="Sample Title" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="auto top" data-content="Sample Content">Click</a>

Answer №2

Simply use data-placement="bottom"

 <a href="#" title="Header" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="bottom" data-content="Content">Click Here</a>

Trust this solution proves useful.

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