Having trouble centering an icon in a cell within AG Grid?

I am struggling with aligning my checkmarks within the cells of my AG Grid. Currently, they are all left aligned but I need them to be centered. Adjusting the alignment for text is not an issue, but I can't seem to center the material icons. It appears that part of the problem may be due to the span element holding the image having its alignment set to center, which does not impact the column itself.


Below is a snippet of the code for the cell:

<span class="ag-cell-value" role="presentation" id="cell-112"><span>
<span class="table-row-icon" style="align-items: center;">
    <i class="material-icons md-18" style="color: #ff6358;

Answer №1

After some troubleshooting, I discovered that setting the display property to Flex would solve the issue. By using the following CSS style, I was able to achieve the desired outcome.

{display: flex; justify-content center}


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