Challenges arise when combining JQuery Mobile with Knockout and CSS Styles

Working with html5, JQuery Mobile and KnockoutJS. I've created a foreach template to display a grid-like GUI from an observable array.

The issue arises when new items are added to the array - the styles are not applied correctly to these new items. They often appear unstyled or inconsistently styled. Once the styling fails for a particular item, it remains broken until the app is restarted.

Has anyone encountered this problem before? Any suggestions on how to fix it?

Code Snippet:

<div id="timeEntryList" data-bind="foreach: timeEntries">
    <div data-role="header" data-theme="c">
        <h1>some header</h1>

Curiously, the styling issue seems to occur randomly.

Answer №1

It's difficult to determine the issue without seeing any code, but it seems like you're experiencing trouble with jqm not rendering properly after dynamically adding elements. This is a common issue and can be resolved by refreshing the list view using

. However, without more information on the specific component you're referring to, it's hard to provide a precise solution.

For more details, you can refer to the documentation.

Answer №2

It seems that jQM may only support one data-role="header" section at a time. Following the standard page layout of one header, one content, and one footer section might resolve this issue.

Something I've noticed is that updating Knockout observables in the pagebeforeshow event eliminates the need to manually refresh using .listview('refresh')

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