Centering Multiple Lines of Items in an Unordered List with Horizontal Alignment

Looking for a solution to center an unordered list horizontally within the containing UL, especially when the list wraps onto a second line. Each LI has a set width and height. I've tried various methods that work for a single line but have had no luck when the list wraps. It would be great if this solution could work in IE7+. Your help is much appreciated.

Check out this illustration for reference:

Answer №1

I have discovered the most effective approach.

ul li { 
    /* styling for list elements to be displayed inline as block elements */
    position: relative;
    display: inline-block;
    /* additional styling for visual purposes */
    text-align: center;
    border:1px solid red;
/* centering the ul element horizontally */
ul { text-align:center; }

To see an example, click on this link:

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