You are unable to move the image to the top of the screen after zooming it with CSS

I implemented an image viewer component with interactive buttons for rotating, zooming in, and zooming out. Upon clicking a button, CSS transform is applied to the image.

However, I encountered an issue where, when zooming the image, it cannot be scrolled all the way to the top or left corner. I attempted to resolve this by adding transform-origin: top left; to the image, which fixed the zoom but caused rotation problems. How can I address this issue effectively?

The code for my implementation can be viewed here:

EDIT: transform-origin: top left; successfully anchors the image to the top left corner, but I prefer to keep the image centered. Is there a way to fix the scrolling while maintaining the transformation origin at the center of the image?

Answer №1

To achieve zoom functionality, we can utilize height and width properties, while for rotation, we can make use of the transform property. By employing display:flex, we can ensure that the image remains centered on the screen. Check out this Demo

.image-viewer {
  display: flex;
  overflow: auto;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  border: 1px solid black;

.image-viewer img {
  width: 70%;
  height: 70%;
  transition: 0.3s;

.image-controls {
  width: 100%;
  text-align: center;

.image-controls button {
  transition: opacity 0.2s;
  opacity: 0.8;

  &:hover {
    opacity: 1;

 private transformImage(): void {
      "transform", `rotate(${this.angle}deg)`
      "width", `${100 * this.scale}%`

      "height", `${100 * this.scale}%`
      behavior: "smooth",
      inline: "center",
      block: "start"

Answer №2

Indeed, the solution lies in using transform-origin: top left; Make sure to include a condition in your transformImage method as shown below and pass true or false accordingly

private transformImage(zoom): void {
  `rotate(${this.angle}deg) scale(${this.scale})`
if (zoom) {
    `top left`


Explore more here

Answer №3

  updateRotation(): void {
    this.angle = this.angle + 90;

  private transformElement(transformType?: string): void {
    switch (transformType) {
      case "rotate":
          "center center"
          "top left"

      `rotate(${this.angle}deg) scale(${this.scale})`

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