Can you explain the purpose of CSS classes such as my-2, my-lg-0, and mr-sm-2 in Bootstrap 4?

I have searched through various questions and the Bootstrap documentation but haven't been able to determine the purpose of these classes on elements. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! My goal is to adjust my search bar's size to 1/4th on large viewports, 1/3rd on medium viewports, and 100% on small viewports!

Answer №1

These are the handy bootstrap spacing utility classes :


r - indicates classes that adjust margin-right or padding-right

my-2, my-lg-0:

y - refers to classes that affect both *-top and *-bottom

The m

m - used for classes that modify margin

You can find more details about these notations in the boostrap spacing guide

sm and lg are commonly seen utility classes among Bootstrap users:

sm - denotes small

lg - signifies large

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