Sliding panels with Jquery

I've created some basic panels that slide in and out horizontally. My goal is to hide all content except the first panel when the page loads. When a link to other panels is clicked, the current content will slide left to be hidden and new content will slide into the center of the page. However, I'm having trouble with the positioning of the boxes I have.

Check out the demo here:

Thank you!

Answer №1

Is it truly necessary to use margin for positioning elements to the left? If hiding them works just as well for your needs, you can achieve the desired effect with the following simple code:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#container div:not(:first)").hide();
    $("nav a").click(function() {
        var cls =;
        $('.current').removeClass('current').animate( { width: "hide", paddingLeft: "hide", paddingRight: "hide", marginLeft: "hide", marginRight: "hide" }, 500, function() {
            $('.'+cls).addClass('current').animate( { width: "show", paddingLeft: "show", paddingRight: "show", marginLeft: "show", marginRight: "show" }, 500);
        return false;

You can also access this version on your Fiddle link:

Answer №2

It appears that everything is functioning correctly in Firefox, but the z-index attribute needs to be applied to the .current class to ensure that the selected slide column is displayed on top. If there are any additional issues, please provide a screenshot or specify the browser version in which you are encountering the problem so we can investigate further.

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