Incorporate a variable into a CSS class

Currently, I am working on developing a component that creates an animation loop with a duration that is passed as a prop to the component.

The issue I am facing involves using CSS to create the animation:

   -webkit-transition: 10.0s !important;
   -moz-transition: 10.0s !important;
   -o-transition: 10.0s !important;
   transition: 10.0s !important;

I would like to be able to include the duration directly in this class declaration, but it seems impossible. To work around this limitation, I am resorting to CSS techniques like those outlined in this article by CSS-Tricks, which involve adding a class to restart the animation.

Is there a way to initialize a class with variables in Vue.js or create a CSS animation loop with the duration as a parameter?

Answer №1

When it comes to CSS, it's anything but static if you leverage variables. Are you familiar with this technique?


   -webkit-transition: var(--primary-animation) !important;
   -moz-transition: var(--primary-animation) !important;
   -o-transition: var(--primary-animation) !important;
   transition: var(--primary-animation) !important;

And how about integrating it into a component:

created(){'--primary-animation', this.myCustomProperty+"s")


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