Utilizing interpolation in Angular to apply CSS styling to specific sections of a TypeScript variable

Suppose I have a variable called data in the app.component.ts file of type :string.

In the app.component.html file, I am displaying the value of data on the UI using string interpolation like {{data}}.

My question is, how can I apply some css to specific letters within the data variable while displaying it in the UI?

For example:


data: string = "stack overflow"



How can I highlight the background color of the word 'overflow' using css? I know that Pipes are used to modify values, but in this case, I need to apply css.

Additionally, another requirement is that initially, the value will be displayed on the browser, and the word to be highlighted will come from an input box.

Answer №1

If you're looking to add some visual flair to your text, consider this option:


  addHighlight(sentence: string, wordToHighlight: string) {
      sentence = sentence.replace(wordToHighlight, 
          `<span style="background-color: #35a5f8;">${wordToHighlight}</span>`);
      return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(sentence);


  <p [innerHTML]="addHighlight('hello there', 'there')"></p>

Answer №2

To separate a given word into individual <span> elements, one solution is to use a pipe:

  name: 'letterByLetter'
export class LetterByLetter implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: string): string {
    return value
      .map((letter) => {
        return `<span>${letter}</span>`;

In the component, you can utilize the pipe like this:

<div [innerHTML]="data | letterByLetter"></div>
. You can also choose to use DomSanitizer instead of innerHtml if preferred.

You have the flexibility to define the appearance of the span element by setting classes or styles directly.

Best of luck!

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