Can you explain the function of the * CSS operator? Are there any additional CSS operators that serve similar purposes?

While researching how to create a nested table using list elements in CSS, I came across this interesting page: .

Upon examining the stylesheet, I noticed unfamiliar symbols being used that appear to be CSS operators, such as the > and * symbols.

For instance:

ul#navlist li * a:link, ul#navlist li * a:visited

After searching on Google, I discovered that > signifies a parent/child relationship between elements, but I am still unsure about the significance of *. I am also interested in knowing if there are other similar "operators" like these, and if so, could someone point me towards a comprehensive guide on them?

Answer №1

* serves as the universal selector, allowing it to select any element.

Despite its simplicity, it is not categorized with combinators such as the child combinator denoted by >, which establishes a parent-child relationship between elements.

The spaces used between selectors like ul#navlist and li, li and *, represent descendant combinators. Unlike >, these spaces do not imply a direct parent-child link but rather seek an element within the hierarchy of another element, whether it be a child, grandchild, or distant relative, excluding siblings.

The key distinction lies in comparing the two selectors (as per your link):

ul#navlist li > a:link, ul#navlist li > a:visited
ul#navlist li * a:link, ul#navlist li * a:visited

The former with > specifically targets a:link and a:visited elements directly nested within ul#navlist li,

whereas the latter with * seeks out a:link and a:visited elements that exist within any inner element of ul#navlist li.
To clarify, it includes a:link, a:visited that are not immediately inside ul#navlist li.

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