Customizing Material UI Popover CSS classes within a Select component in a React application

I have integrated the Material UI Select component into my React project.

I am attempting to customize the CSS classes .MuiPaper-root and/or .MuiMenu-list.

This is how my Select component looks:

  {cities?.map((city) => {

    return (

However, the following code snippet doesn't seem to be effective:

export default ({ theme }: StylesProps) => ({
 select: css`
   .MuiPaper-root {
      background-color: red;

Answer №1

As per the information provided in the documentation, there are various ways to customize styles in MUI. To alter the appearance of MuiPaper, one can utilize the createMuiTheme function to create a theme and override the styles for MuiPaper as shown below:

const theme = createMuiTheme({
  overrides: {
    MuiPaper: {
      root: {
        color: "white"

Subsequently, this created theme needs to be passed as a prop to the ThemeProvider component:

<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
          // ***Insert other parts of your code here*** //

When looking at changing the MenuProps in the Select component, the Select component provides a property known as MenuProps (documented here) that can be used.

To begin with, I defined a list style within the useStyles hook:

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
// other classes //
  list: {
    backgroundColor: "blue"

This list style is then passed as a MenuProp property to the select component:

            MenuProps={{ classes: { list: classes.list } }}
                 // ***Other parts of your code go here*** //

I have also created a codesandbox example demonstrating these modifications. In this demo, the text color in Muipaper has been changed to white, while the background color in MenuProps has been set to blue.

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