When the button with an image is clicked, it will display a loading element

I have developed an application that heavily utilizes ajax, and I am looking to implement the following functionality: I would like to have a button with both text and an image. When this button is clicked, it should be disabled, and instead of the original image, an ajax loading element will display inside the button. Once the ajax loading is finished, the original image on the button should return.

Do you know of any reliable resources or tutorials that can help me achieve this? Suggestions from fellow developers are also welcome!

Answer №1

Changing the source of an image button is simple; just follow these steps:

function updateImageSource(element) {
  // Make AJAX call and perform actions
  element.setAttribute('src', 'loading.gif');

Remember to revert back to the original image once you receive a response from the server, in the same manner as changing it to the loading.gif.

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