Can you explain the distinction between using element~element versus element+element?

Can you explain the variation between these two CSS selectors? When using them, I seem to receive the same outcome.

In the HTML:


CSS Example #1:

div+p {

This code assigns a red background to the <p> element.

CSS Example #2:

div~p {

Similarly, this code also provides a red background for the <p> element.

What exactly sets these two selectors apart?

Answer №1

According to information on the official website:

E + F denotes an F element directly following an E element

E ~ F signifies an F element following an E element

The key term to grasp here is "immediately".

In your HTML code, without any other elements, the distinction may not be visible, but it holds significance in broader scenarios.

Answer №2

Direct Sibling:

When div elements are followed directly by p elements

p + * Includes any elements that come immediately after p elements

Indirect Sibling

When p elements appear anywhere after div elements

p ~ * Includes any elements that come anywhere after p elements

Source: Explore more about selectors here

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