Styling the select dropdown border in Google Chrome

I am encountering an issue with styling HTML select options in Chrome. Despite successfully applying borders to each option in Firefox, I cannot get it to work in Chrome. Can anyone advise on how this can be achieved?

<select id="sortingOptions" class="sortingOptions" onchange="window.location='/buyer/OutPDir.jsp?psort=' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
<option value="0">Best Match</option>                                       
<option value="1" selected="selected">Price: Low to High</option>                                       
<option value="12">Price: High to Low</option>                                      
<option value="10">Product Rating</option>                                      
<option value="13">Date Added</option>                                  
<option value="3">Number of Sellers</option>                                        
<option value="14">Best Selling</option>                                        

Answer №1

I recommend using jQuery for this task as it is reliable across different browsers and platforms. Hopefully, IE 7 or 8 won't cause any issues!

You can implement the following code:


Below this, display a list like so:

<ul style="display: none;">
 <li>Option one</li>
 <li>Option two</li>
 <li>Option three</li>
 <li>Option four</li>

Then, utilize jQuery in the following way:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('div').mouseover(function() { // If the mouse hovers over the div!
    $('ul').show(); // Show the list.

This approach allows you to customize the list with CSS and JavaScript that will be compatible with all browsers.

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